New Year, New Goals | Moreno Valley Photographer | Krystle Thomas Photography

Like everyone else, at the beginning of the year you have new goals & new resolutions. I’m not gonna set myself up for failure and start off by saying I want to diet and lose weight. But I will set myself up for a successful year, by creating short term goals that are obtainable, and more focused to organizing myself and work as is, rather than creating new things to add to my todo or put off list.

1. Transparency. As a business owner it becomes hard to express who you are as a person and really show your brand through your personality. the best way of doing that, for ME, is showing who I am as a person, creating my brand around me. I will be creating more videos, lives and more post about my creative projects, BTS (behind the scenes), and who I am as a person, wife, mother and business owner.

2. Give. This year i want to focus on giving my time to better the world, a cause or something higher than me, something not for me but for someone else in need.

3. Exploring. I definitely want to explore more in terms of... EVERYTHING, not just photography...just everything and anything. Explore with food, explore with life in general.

4. Comfort zones. As humans, we have our ways of sticking with things that are comfortable. If we like something that’s the only thing we like and for some of use it can be the only thing we stick with... blah blah blah. When you put it in words and sit and read that, it sounds so boring and repetitive. But it's our everyday lives! With that being said I want to come out of those comfort zones that I have created for myself. I want to explore and be more free and not in a comfort zone. The world is the new zone for me I want to be extra this year. I want to be better, upgraded ME! I’ve created a zone for myself and my business that I’m not comfortable with. I’ve been hiding behind what I thought that people want to see versus showing people who I really am and create work that expresses my true passion and creativity, instead of creating things that I think are what’s popular right now. With all that... coming out of this comfort zone is probably the most difficult of a goal/resolution. It is something that I have already been working on but I definitely strive for #continuousimprovement this new year and will be focusing even harder.

5. No worries, no drama. I don’t have real drama per se. Except for the drama that I create in my head over stressing about simple things or sometimes everything. My focus for this year that will definitely better my health is to stop stressing. Stop stressing and have more fun!
You were blessed with another year on this earth, don't waste it! Cheers to the new year! ~ Krystle