My Photoshoot | Backyard Session with Mark

I've been shooting people for some time now. Photoshoot after photoshoot. I have lost count as to how many I have done. This time it was my turn to get in front of the camera. This was a big step for me. I 'm not a person for taking photos of myself besides the occasional selfie, so this was a bit out of my comfort zone.

I had the pleasure of having the most amazing photog, and second shooter, who truly built up my confidence tremendously. John Mark Thomas my second shooter and husband of ten years, took lead on this photo shoot and captured me well. I always hate photos of myself, but this time I loved every single one.

We kept this session simple and shot in our very own backyard, with our fat headed dog Sixx jumping on me every chance he could get. Shooting at home rather than out in public, brings a level of comfort while in front of the camera.

I have a new found respect for my clients now when we go out to our sessions. It's not easy giving top model looks in front of strangers, lol. I totally understand how you can get a bit uncomfortable. Luckily I try my hardest to get clients to relax and enjoy themselves, and I ended up really enjoying myself.

I want to end off by giving a huge thank you to John Mark Thomas, for these wonderful images. Love You!
Like always, I bid you all adieu. Until next time. Keep reading and feel free to leave your thoughts & love in the comments below.